Probably one of the best places students can go for help with classes and degree paths is their Faculty Advisor. "What are their interests? What do they see themselves doing in a few years? What gives them -- what makes them --passionate about getting up every day and going into class?" From that, we can guide them to be able to see what are the possibilities with that type of degree. Every class is taught by a full-time faculty member or a faculty member that is regularly available.
There's a very caring attitude towards our students. My door's always open. You know, students can stop at any time. If you need extra help in your classes, your professors are usually really good about either being in their office or being flexible for you to come in and see them. Teachers are really good about putting us together in like small groups and being interactive with the students asking them questions, doing examples, they're also good about bringing in speakers to talk about that career path or what they did to get where they are now.
Because we are the size that we are, I can look at one student and be able to say, "This is where they are. This is what their specific needs are. How can I most help them?"
My percussion professor knows the connections. He knows the people that can help me get to where I want to go to. He knows I write music, and I write cadences for drumlines and he wants to have me write a drumline cadence book and get the feedback from his publisher. The atmosphere here on campus, it's a place where people know you and it's just really close knit and it's great to have a sense of family on campus.