Being able to access labs and hands-on activities, right out of the bat at UJ is really vital because you get that experience sooner. It kind of makes you more competitive because you've had more experience in a lab, in a classroom, doing all these different activities that are going to be required of you someday.
Here at the University of Jamestown, we have state-of-the-art equipment. I have traveled and visited other simulation centers, simulation nursing labs and I have to say we have one of the finest, if not the finest, here in North Dakota. We have six, high fidelity human patient simulators that mimic exactly what human beings do. They breathe, they talk, they have heart sounds, lung sounds, bowel sounds, pulses -- so when that student walks into that hospital room or that clinic room, and they have the confidence to join in the nursing team.
The new physics lab for the Mechanical Engineering majors, that is like literally brand new, it is super nice. And then in the Unruh and Sheldon Building, there is the Smart Lab, which is very new, very recent, and that has state-of-the-art equipment for education. Education majors go in there and we learn how to use a 3D printer. We learn how to make circuits. We learn how to make robotics and do all these different online programs so that someday, we can go facilitate that education to students.
Our students move very quickly up through the ranks because they have this wonderful background from the University of Jamestown.